Would you like to straighten your teeth with Invisalign? Doing so can enhance your facial aesthetics, lower your risk of oral health problems, and provide you with a more comfortable bite. Despite the benefits of orthodontic treatment, however, you might hesitate to schedule an Invisalign consultation, especially if you are older than the people who are commonly featured in Invisalign advertisements. But there is good news! The answer to the question, “Am I too old for Invisalign in Herndon?” is no! Let’s talk about why there is no upper age limit for this treatment.
Your Teeth Are Still Able to Move
Your teeth are not directly attached to your jawbone. They are secured to the bone via tiny ligaments, which give them a natural capacity for small movements. This does not change with time, so no matter how old you are, your dentist can still use your teeth’s ability to move to shift them into their proper places.
With that being said, older adults do tend to have harder bones, and bone remodeling of the jaw can play an important role in successful orthodontic treatment. This means that Invisalign for seniors in Herndon may take slightly longer than Invisalign for teens and young adults. However, any extension in the treatment timeline is usually not very significant.
You Are Mature and Responsible
In some ways, Invisalign might actually be better for older adults than it is for younger people. For example, some teens and young adults are still refining their self-discipline. They might find it challenging to wear their Invisalign aligners for the recommended 20 – 22 hours each day, which can cause unnecessary delays in their treatment. A few teenagers might even skimp a bit on oral hygiene throughout their Invisalign treatment.
You, on the other hand, have enough life experience to comply with your treatment instructions as closely as possible. Additionally, you have probably established oral hygiene habits that will protect your smile throughout your time with Invisalign and beyond.
You Don’t Take Your Health for Granted
While some people view Invisalign as a mostly cosmetic treatment, it is actually great for oral and overall health. For example, straightening your teeth can make it easier to maintain a clean mouth, and a clean mouth is less likely to develop gum disease. The rate of gum disease is rather high in the senior population, so anything you can do to prevent it is certainly worth considering!
Is Invisalign Right for You?
Your age shouldn’t stop you from getting Invisalign, but your dentist will have to consider a number of other factors, such as the nature of your dental misalignment, before giving you the go-ahead for treatment. The best way to find out if you are a candidate is to schedule a consultation with a local Invisalign provider. You may soon be on your way to a perfectly straight smile!
Meet the Practice
Drs. Farshad Bakhtyari and Pooyan Refahi are the dental experts at Premier Dental Care. They are both skilled general dentists and are proud to serve patients of all ages. If you are interested in getting Invisalign, they would be happy to consult with you. Contact our practice at 703-860-8860.