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6 Questions for You to Ask Your Dentist

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — premierdental @ 4:29 pm
Woman smiling as she asks her dentist questions

When you visit your dentist for a checkup, it’s pretty normal for them to interrogate. This helps them determine how your oral health is doing and what at-home habits might be affecting your teeth. However, it’s beneficial for you to ask them questions, too! After all, your dentist is pretty thorough, but no one’s a mind-reader. These six questions can help you better understand your oral needs.

#1. How Can I Take Care of My Teeth at Home?

Even if you think you already know the answer to this, it’s good to ask. Everyone has a different smile, and your dentist can make personalized recommendations that you might not have heard of before.

#2. What Toothpaste Should I Use?

Choosing the right toothpaste for your teeth is complicated. For one thing, there are a million different types. For another, the answer could change depending on your goals and needs. A re-mineralizing toothpaste, for example, is great for those with thinning enamel, but might not be necessary if your teeth are strong. Certain ingredients can also be hard on specific dental treatments, and might not be suitable for use.

#3. Should I Use Mouthwash?

Dentists tend to have varying opinions about mouthwash. See what yours thinks about it, especially if you have dental cosmetics or restorations. Like with toothpaste, certain mouthwashes could harm existing dental work.

#4. How Can I Prevent Gum Disease and Cavities?

Nearly 50% of adults in the US have some form of gum disease, and that number only goes up with higher age-ranges. Cavities aren’t as prevalent but are caused by the same problem: bacteria build up. Considering this, you’ll definitely want to be in the know about how best to prevent these conditions, especially if you have another health issue (such as diabetes) that would make them harder to fight off.

#5. Is There Anything I Should Mention to My General Doctor?

Even though medical practices are divided into niche specializations, the human body very much functions as a whole unit. In other words, the state of your mouth could affect your general health or aggravate preexisting conditions. It’s important to know whether your dentist found anything worth mentioning to your PCP!

#6. When Should I Schedule My Next Checkup?

Generally, dentists recommend visiting for a checkup and cleaning once every six months, or twice per year. Depending on where you’re at with your yearly quota, you might want to schedule your next appointment sooner or later.

Remember that this is just a list of ideas. Feel free to query your dentist about anything that comes to mind, and don’t be afraid to dig deeper and ask “why”. The goal of a checkup is to address and maintain your oral health, so your dentist would be happy to answer your questions!

About the Practice

Drs. Farshad Bakhtyari (or “Dr. B”) and  Pooyan Refahi are skilled in a comprehensive set of dental treatments. They see how the different aspects of your oral health connect and use their interdisciplinary knowledge to effectively diagnose and treat patients. This also means they’ll definitely be able to answer your questions! To schedule an appointment, contact their office at 703-860-8860.

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